In a very short period of time our world has changed dramatically. Many wish 2020 could just be canceled.
But what if 2020 is the year we've been waiting for?
A year SO UNCOMFORTABLE, SO RAW, it forces us to grow?
A year that screams so loudly, we finally awaken from our slumber.
A year we finally accept the change we need. Declare change. Work for change. Become the change.
A year we finally band together, instead of pushing apart.
2020 isn't cancelled,
but rather the most important year of them all!
In honor of this I am offering two free services until the end of the year.
No strings attached...no mailing list, nothing to sign up for or download, this is a true gift.
Just choose the service that best suits your needs and click the link below and book your time!
All I ask if you book a session is that you FULLY SHOW UP and take the time seriously. *
*Due to location variables and physical-distancing all sessions will be online. Please note that if you book a session and do not show, not only will I be disappointed, but you will have taken a slot from someone who might really need it. Please be considerate, #WeAreAllInThisTogether. General terms and conditions of coaching apply.

Lead in Uncertainty
When uncertainty and fear abound it's 100% NORMAL to feel lost or overwhelmed. In this free one hour Personal Leadership coaching session we'll explore how you can find the courageous and clear leader inside you who is connected and agile.
This session is aimed at strengthening your personal rising and resiliency skills and to empower you to Lead in Uncertainty.
These sessions are available on Monday's & Thursdays.

Co-Create Clarity
As a business leader or owner you are likely faced with some fairly overwhelming choices, none of which feel great.
In this brainstorming session we will explore the options and opportunities available to you and discover how you can Co-Create clarity for you and the people in your business.
This session is aimed at looking at the business & team landscape.
These sessions are available on Wednesday's & Friday's.